Featured Blogs
Survey: More Than Half of Travelers Couldn’t Unplug on Vacation
Everybody knows it, everybody admits it, and everybody seems to accept it. We’re addicted to our mobile phones. While over-attachment...
JavaScript-PHP Joint Exercise Delivers Nemucod Ransomware
The ransomware Nemucod has been very prevalent in the last few months. Nemucod’s habit of frequently changing its delivery mechanism...
A Family Technology Contract? Should You or Shouldn’t You?
I would never consider myself to be an A+ parent. Maybe a solid B. Perhaps I can blame the large...
Keep Your Guard Up: Sports Streaming Sites Yield Hidden Dangers
Just as every dog has its day, so too do sports. The NBA finals, the Playoffs, the Stanley Cup —...
Microsoft’s June Patch Kills Potential CFG Bypass
After applying Microsoft’s June patch, we noticed some interesting changes that prevent a security bypass of Windows’ Control Flow Guard...
Celebrating our partners across EMEA
This blog was written by David Small. Last week, our EMEA Channel Partner Summit took place in Mallorca. This year’s...
Risky Selfie Trend: Snapping and Driving
Just when you thought the dangerous selfie craze was winding down, there’s a whole new trend that poses a risk to drivers....
WhatsApp Gold: Why Upgrading Isn’t Always a Golden Idea
Whether it was the cool sneakers everyone had in grade school, or the latest cell phone release, we always want...
Why You Should Update or Lose Your Mobile Apps
This blog was written by Bruce Snell. If you’re like me, you probably have at least a dozen apps on...
Facebook Messenger Flaw Could’ve Allowed Criminals to Intercept Messages
When it comes to day-to-day communications, we are—to put it mildly—married to our messaging applications. Which is why it’s worrying...