
Peng is a security researcher and a member of the McAfee Mobile Research and Operations team. He is based in Shenzhen, China, and specializes in mobile malware analysis, reverse engineering, and detections.
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McAfee Labs
Roaming Mantis Amplifies Smishing Campaign with OS-Specific Android Malware
The Roaming Mantis smishing campaign has been impersonating a logistics company to steal SMS messages and contact lists from Asian...
McAfee Labs
Multi-tricks HiddenAds Malware
Thousands of HiddenAds Trojan Apps Masquerade as Google Play Apps The McAfee mobile research team has recently discovered a new...
McAfee Labs
LeakerLocker: Mobile Ransomware Acts Without Encryption
We recently found on Google Play a type of mobile ransomware that does not encrypt files. This malware extorts a...