McAfee Labs

Threat Research Team

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McAfee Labs is one of the leading sources for threat research, threat intelligence, and cybersecurity thought leadership. See our blog posts below for more information.

Articles by Author

McAfee Labs
Worms Could Spread Like Zombies via Internet of Things
Security researchers recently created a proof-of-concept attack against Internet-connected lightbulbs, causing breached devices to infect their neighbors....
McAfee Labs
More Capable IoT Botnets to Emerge as the ‘Pros’ Enter the Fray
On the heels of severe distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, we see new botnets emerging that...
McAfee Labs
Talking About Cyber Risks Educates the Community
In the last 12 months, we have seen an unprecedented number of cyberattacks occur or come to...
McAfee Labs
Cerber Ransomware Now Hunts for Databases
Cerber is one of the most popular ransomware packages. It has upgraded itself to also target databases....
McAfee Labs
The Latest IoT Device I Do Not Want Hacked
What if someone hacked this remotely controlled semiautonomous tractor? I am a cybersecurity guy and a huge...
McAfee Labs
How to Secure the Future of the Internet of Things
The world of security for the Internet of Things just became more complex. IoT devices are no...
McAfee Labs
Unfolding the Mystery of Cerber Ransomware’s Random File Extension
This blog post was written by Sudhanshu Dubey. In an earlier blog, we discussed the evolution of...
McAfee Labs
New Security Reality for Internet of Things
  Recent distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks are forcing a shift in how we think about...
McAfee Labs
Sharing Cybersecurity Threat Intelligence Is the Only Way We Win
Cybersecurity is a team sport. The bad guys share information, expertise, and code as they help one...
McAfee Labs
How Can We Stop ‘ROP’ Cyberattacks?
IBM recently announced a software-oriented solution to help eradicate attacks by return-oriented programming (ROP) malware. ROP malware...
McAfee Labs
‘McAfee Labs Threats Report’ Delves Into Dangers of Data Loss
This blog post was written by Rick Simon. Data is leaking out of your organization: accidentally or...
McAfee Labs
Hardware Hack Bypasses iPhone PIN Security Counter
A security researcher from the University of Cambridge has found a way to hack the iPhone NAND...
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