McAfee Labs

Threat Research Team

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McAfee Labs is one of the leading sources for threat research, threat intelligence, and cybersecurity thought leadership. See our blog posts below for more information.

Articles by Author

McAfee Labs
Beware of Impostor Android Apps Using Fake ID
Recently discovered, an Android vulnerability called Fake ID allows apps to impersonate other apps by copying their...
McAfee Labs
Dofoil Downloader Update Adds XOR-, RC4-Based Encryption
This blog was written by Sanchit Karve. The Dofoil downloader (found in the wild since 2011) occasionally...
Privacy & Identity Protection
It’s ‘Game Over’ for Zeus and CryptoLocker
Under Operation Tovar, global law enforcement—in conjunction with the private sector and McAfee—has launched an action to...
McAfee Labs
Necurs, Zbot Use Obfuscated Windows XP Detection to Bypass Analysis
This blog was written by Sanchit Karve. McAfee Labs has recently come across a number of malware...
McAfee Labs
Product Coverage and Mitigation for CVE-2014-1776 (Microsoft Internet Explorer)
On April 26, Microsoft released Security Advisory 2963983 for Microsoft Internet Explorer. In-the-wild exploitation of this vulnerability...
McAfee Labs
Product Coverage and Mitigation for CVE-2014-1761 (Microsoft Word)
On March 24, Microsoft released Security Advisory 2953095 for Microsoft Word. In-the-wild exploitation of this vulnerability has...
McAfee Labs
January 2014 #SecChat Wrap-up — Threat Predictions
Threats seem to be top of mind for the masses of late—with three large-scale attacks on major...
McAfee Labs
Analyzing the Target Point-of-Sale Malware
January 21, 2014:  As more information comes to light, surrounding these events, we continue to identify and...
McAfee Labs
2014 Threats Predictions: Network and Host Attacks Will Again Target Apps, Java
This post is one in a series of articles that expand on the recently released McAfee Labs...
McAfee Labs
2014 Threats Predictions: Cybercrime and Hacktivism Will Continue to Grow
This post is one in a series of articles that expand on the recently released McAfee Labs...
McAfee Labs
2014 Threats Predictions: Software Defined Networking And More
This post is one in a series of articles that expand on the recently released McAfee Labs...
McAfee Labs
2014 Threats Predictions: Cloud Attacks Could Lead to Data Loss
This post is one in a series of articles that expand on the recently released McAfee Labs...
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