Featured Blogs
Are We Really Expressing Ourselves on Social Media, Or Are We Too Scared?
When social media really took off about 10 years ago, I think many of us assumed that it might just...
Have You Checked Your Teens’ Phone for the Burnbook App?
Every few months a new mobile app surfaces on the social landscape that quickly catches on. And, yes, parent—you need...
Attacks On Indian Organizations Continue – More Exploits Focused On Events
In November last year, McAfee Labs researchers reported about Operation Mangal, an ongoing targeted attack campaign against several Indian domestic...
Office 365 Ascent Is Security Opportunity
Microsoft is on a roll with its cloud strategy. In the past two quarters, the software giant has posted triple-digit...
What is a Potentially Unwanted Program (PUP)?
Whether you’re an animal person or not, you have to admit that puppies are pretty darn cute. So cute that...
Amazon Gift Card Malware Spreading via SMS
McAfee Labs recently published its Hacking the Human OS report, which details a number of ways in which cybercriminals rely...
Why Snapchat is Here to Stay and Why Parents Should Care
Remember this time last year when Snapchat was this vague, phantom-like disappearing photo app? Well, in just a year’s time,...
Five Ways the Internet of Things Can Put Your Security at Risk
Sometimes a new technology comes along that’s so promising, so revolutionary, that, over time, future citizens consider the innovation to...
7 Tips to Help Your Teen Avoid Conflict in Group Texts
If you’ve ever had a conversation over email or text take a sudden nosedive due to miscommunication, then buckle up—you...
Ransomware, PUPs, Vulnerabilities: a Look at What’s Putting You at Risk
Every quarter McAfee releases a report on the cybersecurity issues confronting consumers, business partners, and the public. Produced by McAfee...