Featured Blogs
Digital Dares: Dumb Kids with Smart Phones
Do you remember the guy or girl in high school who always took things just a little too far? If...
You Could Get Prank Called (and Charged) By Your Own Phone
Most people would never think to prank call themselves. However, they may be allowing their smart phones to do just...
Top 3 Phishing Attacks Use Similar Tricks
Phishing scams are immensely popular and we see millions of phishing messages everyday. Today we offer the top three phishing...
Apps to Stop You (Adults!) from Texting and Driving
She was texting and driving when she hit my kid. No, it wasn’t a careless teenager or a group of...
A Connected Nation: IoT in America in 2025
If there’s one thing that remains consistent about technology, it is that it’s always in flux. From tablets to phablets,...
40 Phrases Every Child Needs to Hear
With school back in full swing our house has transitioned almost instantly from long, fun summer days to tighter schedules,...
BackOff Malware Uses Encryption to Hide Its Intentions
Often we see malware authors using encryption or obfuscation along with other techniques to modify the static contents of malware....
Mobile Malware, Phishing and Ransomware — Oh My! A Quick Look at the Current Threat Landscape
So far, 2014 has been a tumultuous year for the security industry. We’ve seen thousands of computers taken hostage through...
Nude Celebrity Photo Dump Has Many Asking What Happened
Hundreds of private photos belonging to several high-profile Hollywood actresses were posted online this past weekend. They are explicit in...
CelebGate: a Long, Dangerous List of Celebrities
During the past few days, the media has been abuzz with the massive celebrity photo leak nicknamed CelebGate 2014. The...