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McAfee Labs Threats Report: April 2021

In this edition, we present new findings in our traditional threat statistical categories – as well as our usual malware, sectors, and vectors – imparted in a new, enhanced digital presentation that’s more easily consumed and interpreted.

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Internet Browser Cookies: Not What Grandma Used To Make

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Does Kik Messenger Pose a Danger to Your Kids?

With more than 50 million users, and reportedly growing by 20,000 everyday, Kik has become one of the most popular...

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What is Typosquatting?

Typosquatting, also known as URL hijacking, is a form of cybersquatting (sitting on sites under someone else’s brand or copyright)...

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McAfee Hidden Device Admin Detector – Free Protection from Android Malware

A few weeks ago, we told you about Obad, a backdoor Trojan that targets the Android operating system (OS). What...

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Mobile Malware Plays Hide and Seek

Android/Obad.A is mobile malware that has been described as very complex. Truly it is one of the most complex we’ve...

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“Kik me” – The App Your Kids are Using Now: Kik

When I was young, ‘Kick Me’ was a phrase that was scrawled on a piece of notebook paper and stuck...

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7 Tips: How to Raise a Leader in a ‘Follower’ World

Leadership training isn’t exclusive to adults. And in today’s online culture of “following” and digital profiles, it’s never too early...

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Why it’s Critical to Protect Data on Digital Devices

When devices are lost or hacked and your data is exposed, not only is this a pain to deal with,...

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