Featured Blogs
Narilam Trojan Targets Iranian Financial Software
Iranian infrastructure has been on the radar of cyberattackers for a couple of years. We have already witnessed organized and...
10 Tips to Safe Online Shopping
How times have changed. I can remember when Christmas didn’t start until after Thanksgiving—not before Halloween as we see things...
The Top 12 Scams Of Christmas To Watch Out For
McAfee Latest 2012 Holiday-Related Online Scams and Security Tips for Consumers The holidays are just around the corner and amid...
Hack the Vote: Pros and Cons of Electronic Voting
After 17 months and billions in campaign spending, it was up to the scores of American people who flooded churches,...
Actress Sofia Vergara’s Personal Photos Hacked or Stolen Via Mobile
In my line of work I get emails such as this one: “Hi Robert, I’m not sure if you saw...
A Quick Analysis of the Flash Player Opcode-Verifying Code Execution Vulnerability
On October 12, McAfee Labs learned of proof-of-concept code exploiting a newly patched Flash Player vulnerability. Adobe had patched this...
Update: NGRBot Posing as Skype Drops Ransomware With Fake McAfee Logo
This blog was updated on October 15. See the end of this file. We recently received a sample of the...
Multiplatform Fake AV Uses Different GUIs
Since the beginning of October we have seen a variant of fake antivirus malware that belongs to the FakeRean family...
Android Phones Vulnerable to Loss of Data, Apps
Recently security researcher Ravi Borgaonkar discussed a vulnerability that caused a Samsung Galaxy SIII to return to a factory reset...
‘FakeInstaller’ Leads the Attack on Android Phones
Android.FakeInstaller is a widespread mobile malware family. It has spoofed the Olympic Games Results App, Skype, Flash Player, Opera and...