Toni Birdsong

Author, McAfee Consumer

Toni Birdsong began her career as a reporter in Los Angeles and later became a writer for Walt Disney Imagineering. Her passion for digital safety started 10 years ago as a way to gain the survival skills she needed to parent her own connected teenagers. Her goal with each post is to give busy parents the insight they need raise wiser, more compassionate digital kids. When she’s not writing (her first love), you can find Toni hiking, watching TikTok, or trying not to break an important body part at CrossFit.

Articles by Author

Family Safety
McAfee Survey: Parental Input on Tech Safety Declines as Kids Get Older
McAfee Survey: Parental input tapers off as kids get older but here are 5 tips to bring back conversations that...
Family Safety
Survey: Kids Using Devices in School for More than Just Learning
Could your child be using his or her device in school to cheat? A new study reveals the reality of...
Family Safety
Have a Tweeting Teen in Your House? Here’s What You Need to Know
Do you have a teen on twitter? Then these family talking points will give you the ins and outs of...
Family Safety
Trouble Enforcing Family Tech Rules? Stay on Track with the 4 Cs
Family tech rules can be tough to set but even tougher to enforce consistently. Try these Four Cs to help...
Family Safety
10 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Snapping and Posting that Photo
Let’s face it. Photos do the talking for most of us today. Everyone is snapping, chatting, posting,...
Family Safety
15+ Boredom-Busting Apps to Boost Your Family’s Summer Fun
Summer is slipping away and the ideas for fun might be too. Here are just a few family fun apps...
Family Safety
7 Strategies to Help Kids Sidestep Digital Friction this Summer
The summer months can amplify the social highs and the emotional lows of peer connection. Help your kids cope with...
Privacy & Identity Protection
How to Protect Your Child from Identity Theft in 8 Easy Steps
Could your child's identity get stolen? Instead of worry, get proactive and lock down your child's data with these 8...
Family Safety
The #1 Skill All Parents Should Be Homeschooling Kids in This Summer
You think kids get it. Until they don't. What's appropriate social behavior and why it matters to kids more than...
Family Safety
Unplugging: How Small Tech Shifts Can Make a Big Impact on a Family Vacation
Is unplugging possible on a family vacation? You might be surprised at how a few small tech shifts can make...
Family Safety
Helping Kids Understand the Foolishness and Consequences of Sexting
Legislation may be in limbo in many states but the family discussion around sexting shouldn't be. Tips for talking to...
Family Safety
Why Kids Use Secret Decoy Apps and Why Parents Should Care
Kids have been locking their diaries and hiding top secret shoe long before even Sandy Olssen had...
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