Family Safety

Children are exposed to a lot on the internet: between browsing at home, in school and on the go. That’s why it’s so important to help to keep them safe, even when you can’t be there. Check out the latest McAfee blogs to learn how you can protect your entire family from cyberbullying and other online threats.

5 Screen Time Principles to Establish When Your Kids are Still Babies
Screen time — how much is too much — is a red-hot issue right now and for good...
Family Tech Check: 5 Ways to Help Kids Balance Tech Over Summer Break
It's mid-summer and time for a family tech check. Here are 5 ways to help your child strike a healthy...
Report: Gaming Addiction is a Real Thing. So What Can Parents Do Next?
The World Health Organization says excessive gaming can now be classified as a mental health addiction. Here's what parents can...
What Parents Need to Know About the Popular App Mappen
Kids love their apps but aren't always concerned with app safety as they download the hottest new ones. Mappen is...
Summer Refresh: Take Time to Relax but Not on Password Security
Summer is about relaxing a little more just don't relax on your family's password security. Here's your summer refresher on...
Teens, Gaming and Risk
How Are Your Kids Navigating the Dangers? It’s no secret that our generation of digital natives love...
Father’s Day Shout Out to All Dads – Time to Wear Your Cyberdad Cape
Whenever Father’s Day is near, I find myself thinking about the role of a father in the...
Vacation Checklist: 5 Easy Ways to Help Secure Your Family’s Devices When Traveling
Don't forget to pack your knowledge as you head out on your family vacation this year. Device security while on...
#CyberAware: 4 Actionable Steps to Boost Your Family’s Safety Online
Your family's safety online is a very big deal. During June, Internet Safety Month, take a few minutes to review...
High-Tech & Hackable: How to Safeguard Your Smart Baby Devices
High tech baby devices, as useful as they are, can also be highly-hackable baby devices. How do you protect your...
Send Your Kids Back to School with Cybersecurity Knowledge
Summer vacation is on and chances are that your kids are spending time indoors as the scorching...
3 Ways to Strengthen Your Family Bond this Summer (Without Ditching Your Devices)
The summer can fly by! Make sure your family sets goals that will strengthen, not diminish the family bond. Here...
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