Internet Security

Internet security consists of a range of security tactics for protecting activities and transactions conducted online. These tactics are meant to safeguard you from threats such as hacking into email addresses. Read more about the internet security solutions available to help keep your internet usage secure.

How to Shop Safely This Holiday Season
Yes, there is a Cyber Grinch. In fact, you’ll find evidence of an entire host of grinches...
Sextortion – What Every Parent Needs To Know
Imagine this. You’re 15, feeling unsure about yourself in the world, possibly even a little lonely. One...
The Benefits of Protection – How Organizations Gain from Digital Wellness
This is the final in a series of three articles covering digital wellness programs in the workplace....
Scam Texts Are More Painful Than Getting a Root Canal
Sick and tired of scam messages? So are the 54% of Americans who said they’d rather get...
The Benefits of Protection – Why Employees Place a High Value on Digital Wellness
In workplaces around the world, employees agree — they feel strongly about online protection.  Our joint research...
What Are the Risks of Clicking on Malicious Links?
A simple click of a link can’t cause any trouble, right? Wrong.  It doesn’t matter if you...
The Benefits of Protection – The Case for Digital Wellness in the Workplace
This is the first in a series of three articles covering digital wellness programs in the workplace....
’Tis the Season for Holiday Scams: 5 Common Schemes to Look Out For
This time of year, the air gets chillier and a bit cheerier for everyone … including online...
Advances in Our Use of AI Keep You Even Safer Online
AI is on your side. In fact, it’s kept you safer online for some time now.  Now...
McAfee 2023 Hacker Celebrity Hot List – Why Hackers Love Ryan Gosling so Much
Hackers love Ryan Gosling. In fact, hackers use his name as bait more than any other celebrity. ...
Digital Strategies to Safeguard Your Child from Upsetting and Violent Content Online
Amidst the recent heartbreaking events in the Middle East, parents now face the challenge of protecting children...
Cryptojacking – Stop Hackers from Making Money Off You
Your pain is their gain. That’s how things go in a cryptojacking attack. Cryptomining is the utilization...
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