Internet Security

Internet security consists of a range of security tactics for protecting activities and transactions conducted online. These tactics are meant to safeguard you from threats such as hacking into email addresses. Read more about the internet security solutions available to help keep your internet usage secure.

What Your Password Says About You
At the end of last year, a survey revealed that the most popular password was still “123456,” followed by “password.”
Don’t Get PWNed by Fake Gaming Currency Sites
If you’re a gamer, you know how important virtual currency is. It allows you to purchase new costumes and weapons...
2018 Americas Partner Summit
The Americas Partner Summit 2018 was held on Tuesday, October 16 at MPOWER Cybersecurity Summit. It was...
Preventing WebCobra Malware From Slithering Onto Your System
Cryptocurrency mining is the way transactions are verified and added to the public ledger, a database of all the transactions...
Why Traditional Database Security Doesn’t Protect Data
If we asked database administrators, security teams, and risk teams about their definition of what database security...
“League of Legends” YouTube Cheat Links: Nothing to “LOL” About
If you’re an avid gamer, you’ve probably come across a game that just seems impossible to complete. That’s because, thanks...
A New Security Age Needs a New Approach to Security
Security evolves to meet the needs of the age. Keys, for example, were created to secure homes and possessions. Encryption,...
Connected or Compromised? How to Stay Secure While Using Push Notifications
You’re probably familiar with push notifications – messages sent by app publishers that pop up on your desktop or mobile...
Beware: Zombie IoT Botnets
The ghosts and ghouls of October have come and gone, but the dangers lurking behind virtual walls have hardly disappeared....
Light a Lamp This Diwali To Dispel the Darkness of Digital Literacy
One of my favourite Indian festivals is Diwali and I have a sneaky feeling I may have...
How to Protect Yourself from Tech Support Imposters
Many of us rely on our technology throughout our everyday lives. So, when something goes wrong, we look to tech...
Kraken Ransomware Emerges from the Depths: How to Tame the Beast
Look out, someone has released the Kraken — or at least a ransomware strain named after it. Kraken Cryptor ransomware...
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