Internet Security

Internet security consists of a range of security tactics for protecting activities and transactions conducted online. These tactics are meant to safeguard you from threats such as hacking into email addresses. Read more about the internet security solutions available to help keep your internet usage secure.

Gmail Users: App Developers Can Potentially Read Your Private Emails
Email has been the norm for decades now, as most digitally connected people use it to communicate in both their...
The Exactis Data Breach: What Consumers Need to Know
There are data breaches, and then there are data breaches. For example, who could forget the Equifax data breach, which...
Play The Game – Tips and Tricks for Safe Online Gaming
This blog was written by Jessica Brookes. When I was child, gaming was all joysticks and arcades....
Blockchain 101: What Consumers Need to Know About the Technology
From Bitcoin’s boom, to high stakes hacks – cryptocurrency, and how to secure it, has been the talk of the...
Don’t Play Games With Your Cybersecurity: #RT2Win a Respawn-Worthy Prize
In light of McAfee's latest gaming survey, we’re treating you to a #RT2Win sweepstakes on the @McAfee_Home Twitter handle! Five...
Our Findings on the Role of Security in the World of Gaming
Playing video games has become a popular pastime for children of all ages (even for some adults too), as the...
#CyberAware: 4 Actionable Steps to Boost Your Family’s Safety Online
Your family's safety online is a very big deal. During June, Internet Safety Month, take a few minutes to review...
Millions of Facebook Users May Have Unknowingly Shared Posts Publicly
Facebook, Facebook, Facebook – between malware leveraging Facebook Messenger to send phishing messages, to apps on the platform mishandling customer...
26 Million Ticketfly Customers’ Data Compromised in Massive Breach
When we find out our favorite artist is coming to town, we immediately head to the web to snatch up...
Insider Threat at Coca-Cola Compromises 8,000 Employees’ Information
Cybercrime is often seen as a battle of good versus evil – a hacker tries to infiltrate...
New VPNFilter Malware Contains Kill Switch, Infects Over 500,000 Devices
Routers are the driving force behind a lot of our modern-day internet use. They power our Wi-Fi,...
America’s Dirty Little Secrets: Opening the Door to Protected Data
Digital assistants have started taking over our homes, with adoption growing tenfold. These smart speakers know everything about us. This...
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