Internet Security

Internet security consists of a range of security tactics for protecting activities and transactions conducted online. These tactics are meant to safeguard you from threats such as hacking into email addresses. Read more about the internet security solutions available to help keep your internet usage secure.

What is a Cache?
Perhaps someone has told you that you need to “clear your cache,” but what does this mean...
What is the Cloud?
You’ve probably heard of people storing information in “the cloud,” but what does that really mean, and...
Moore’s Law and Security
We in the technology industry owe a lot to Moore’s Law, as it’s given us the foundation...
What is Shoulder Surfing?
The next time you’re in a public place and glued to your smartphone or tablet — whether...
Millennials Choose Convenience Over Security When it Comes to Information Sharing
For better or for worse, we’ve ended up amidst a society built on information sharing. There are...
What is Spam?
Everyone’s heard of spam as it pertains to emails. Spam isn’t necessarily a malicious message designed to...
Importance of Renewing Your Security Software on a Regular Basis – Part II
Let’s start by refreshing all that we discovered in my previous blog, where I was telling Reena...
‘Secret Chat’ Messages Aren’t So Secret After All
The universal truth about secrets? They almost always tend to get leaked. This was the case for...
What is a Virus?
Have you ever had the chicken pox? This common childhood illness has another name—the varicella zoster virus....
Here’s What You Need To Know About Botnets
In the year of 2000, Professor Vijay Pande, a renowned Stanford University researcher, released a little program...
British Airways Frequent Flyers Report Stolen Air Miles
Frequent flyers, beware. Tens of thousands of accounts may have been compromised due to an automated attack...
Google Brings Safe Browsing to the Masses With Its Safe Browsing API
The best way to protect yourself from the malicious programs (often called malware) hidden across the Internet,...
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