Internet Security

Internet security consists of a range of security tactics for protecting activities and transactions conducted online. These tactics are meant to safeguard you from threats such as hacking into email addresses. Read more about the internet security solutions available to help keep your internet usage secure.

Don’t Take a Bite out of that Apple Gift Card Scam
Good rule of thumb on the web: When it seems too good to be true, it probably...
BYOD: Balancing Convenience and Security
It lies next to you as you sleep, comes with you to work, rides home with you...
What is a Keylogger?
Whether it is called a keylogger, spyware or monitoring software, it can be the equivalent of digital...
Before You Share, Ask Yourself “Is This TMI?”
Social networks and new online services make it easy to share the details of our lives, perhaps...
Internet Browser Cookies: Not What Grandma Used To Make
Imagine you’re surfing the web in search of a new pair of shoes on You browse...
What is Typosquatting?
Typosquatting, also known as URL hijacking, is a form of cybersquatting (sitting on sites under someone else’s...
Are You Stressed Out About Passwords? Consider a Simple Option
Used correctly, passwords help keep your personal information safe, and if you’re like me, you probably have...
Smart Perimeter – A Security Fence For Your Digital Devices
Everyone has experienced that gut-wrenching feeling when you look around and realize that one of your prized...
Six Easy Steps to Help Keep Hackers at Bay
Cybercriminals are adopting complex and powerful techniques to “hack,” or take control of online accounts belonging to...
Phishing Scam Targets Online Customers
Late last week, Walmart alerted the public to an email-based scam that used the company’s name (misspelled...
Riddle: What’s the One Password You’ll NEVER Forget?
Last week during his keynote speech at the Interop IT conference, PayPal’s Chief Information Security Officer Michael...
Visualizing A DDoS Cyber Attack
A denial-of-service (DDoS) attack occurs when hackers flood a target website with large amounts of traffic. This traffic...
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