Internet Security

Internet security consists of a range of security tactics for protecting activities and transactions conducted online. These tactics are meant to safeguard you from threats such as hacking into email addresses. Read more about the internet security solutions available to help keep your internet usage secure.

Tax Season Email Scam Aims to Steal from Uncle Sam
Every year around tax season, we see a huge spike in tax-related social engineering attacks. Social engineering...
Love, Relationships, and #SextRegret: It’s Time to Take Back the Web
What would you do if someone threatened to post risqué photos of you on the Internet? According...
Malware Disguised as Java Update: Careful What You Download!
All too often, cyber attacks are crimes of opportunity. This was exactly the case when late last...
A Look Back: Top 5 Security Trends of 2012
As we look back on 2012, it’s impossible not to recall the many high-profile breaches and cybersecurity...
W32/Autorun Worm: A Nasty Bug for Your Computer
What do you think of when you hear the word “malware”? Most people think of the general...
Hackers Gone Hipster: Are Tumblr and Instagram Users Still at Risk?
Two newsworthy vulnerabilities hit the stands this week, both of particular interest to many of our at-home...
Hack the Vote: Pros and Cons of Electronic Voting
After 17 months and billions in campaign spending, it was up to the scores of American people...
2012 Online Safety Survey – Majority Of Americans Do Not Feel Completely Safe Online
From tweens and teens to silver surfers, more people are jumping onto multiple Internet connected devices every...
Malicious Websites – The Web is a Dangerous Place
McAfee’s latest Threats Report shows a growth in malicious websites replacing botnets as the primary infection mechanism....
No Surprise – Ransomware On the Rise
McAfee’s latest Threats Report shows a 1.5 million increase in malware since last quarter. 2012 is in...
LilyJade Version 2.0: a Malicious Browser Extension
In order to gain popularity and usability, web browsers offer extra features. Chief among these are browser...
Yahoo! Hacked: 15 Tips To Better Password Security
In light of the Yahoo Voices hack where 450,000 passwords have been compromised, it’s time again to...
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