Mobile Security

Cybercriminals are attracted by the richness of data available from our mobile devices, such as banking credentials, photos, and personal information. That is why we put security at your fingertips providing peace of mind to you. Read more about mobile security to help you stay safe, particularly on-the-go.

WhatsApp with End-to-End Encryption?
Throughout the past year, many mobile messaging apps have come under fire for inherent security vulnerabilities. This...
App Inventor Enables the Easy Creation of Malicious Apps
In today’s increasingly connected society, heaps of new mobile apps are cropping up every day. It no...
Android’s CyanogenMod Vulnerable to Zero-Day Threat
Have you installed CyanogenMod on your Android device? If yes, you’re likely vulnerable to a newly discovered...
Emma Watson Video Scam: Hackers Use Celeb’s Popularity to Unleash Viruses
Following the announcement of the 2014 Most Dangerous Celebrities™ earlier this month, our senses have been heightened...
What’s Your Click IQ?
The recent celebrity photo hacks are an unfortunate reminder of how devastating or embarrassing it can be...
You Could Get Prank Called (and Charged) By Your Own Phone
Most people would never think to prank call themselves. However, they may be allowing their smart phones...
A Connected Nation: IoT in America in 2025
If there’s one thing that remains consistent about technology, it is that it’s always in flux. From...
Mobile Malware, Phishing and Ransomware — Oh My! A Quick Look at the Current Threat Landscape
So far, 2014 has been a tumultuous year for the security industry. We’ve seen thousands of computers...
The iPhone’s Biggest Weakness May Be Your Computer
Mobile malware is the fastest growing security threat we face today. But that threat has long been...
Beware of Impostor Android Apps Using Fake ID
Recently discovered, an Android vulnerability called Fake ID allows apps to impersonate other apps by copying their...
Adobe Flash Player Installer Scams Reappear on Google Play
Adobe Flash Player has been a boon to Android malware creators for a long time. These developers...
Chinese Worm Infects Thousands of Android Phones
Last weekend, it was reported in China that an SMS worm was wildly spreading among Android mobile...
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