Mobile Security

Cybercriminals are attracted by the richness of data available from our mobile devices, such as banking credentials, photos, and personal information. That is why we put security at your fingertips providing peace of mind to you. Read more about mobile security to help you stay safe, particularly on-the-go.

LG Smart TVs Leak Data Without Permission
Deals abound on gadgets and gizmos in the wintry weeks before Christmas, but could that shiny new...
More Japanese Chat Apps on Google Play Steal Phone Numbers
In two recent blogs, McAfee Labs described Japanese and Korean Android apps on Google Play that steal...
Japanese Chat App for Android Steals Phone Numbers
Update, December 5 The developer of the app Machin Chat has contacted McAfee and reported that the...
Scrooge’s 12 Scams of the Holidays
They’re baaaack! Actually, they never left—Scrooge’s little trolls work hard all year, scheming and scamming to steal...
Mobile Authentication vs. Mobile Banking and Commerce, Part II
Mobile authentication grants access to online banking – but it’s not exactly mobile banking.  The main difference...
Revenge Posts on Social Media Could Land You in Jail
After a bad breakup, a scorned lover may choose to channel their anger through ice cream, a...
SnapHack: Hacking for the Greater Good?
Most hacks and attacks introduced on this blog are blatantly malicious, looking to nab your valuable information....
The Search for Celebrity Gossip Could Land Your Phone in Hot Water
They may be glamorous, but celebrities can make things quite ugly when it comes to the safety...
Mirror Mirror Online, Who Is the Most Dangerous Celebrity of Them All?
We all do it. We probably all just don’t admit it. Well I admit it—I’ve searched for...
Hackers are Cashing in on Instagram Likes
They say popularity has its price. This saying holds a new weight when it comes to the...
Where, oh Where, Does That QR Code Lead?
What is square, flat, and black and white all over? If you answered “a QR Code”, you’re...
1-2-3: How to take a screen shot on your computer or mobile phone
There are some simple moves online that can save you an enormous amount of time. And when...
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