Mobile Security

Cybercriminals are attracted by the richness of data available from our mobile devices, such as banking credentials, photos, and personal information. That is why we put security at your fingertips providing peace of mind to you. Read more about mobile security to help you stay safe, particularly on-the-go.

Love, Relationships, and #SextRegret: It’s Time to Take Back the Web
What would you do if someone threatened to post risqué photos of you on the Internet? According...
Apps Tracking Your Location: Friendly or Creepy?
There is no denying the fact that the world has gone wireless. With the explosion of smartphones...
App Lock: The Security System for Unprotected Mobile Apps
Lock: To fasten, to make secure, to confine or exclude by. To fix in place so that...
Hackers Gone Hipster: Are Tumblr and Instagram Users Still at Risk?
Two newsworthy vulnerabilities hit the stands this week, both of particular interest to many of our at-home...
10 Tips to Safe Online Shopping
How times have changed. I can remember when Christmas didn’t start until after Thanksgiving—not before Halloween as...
Actress Sofia Vergara’s Personal Photos Hacked or Stolen Via Mobile
In my line of work I get emails such as this one: “Hi Robert, I’m not sure...
Android Phones Vulnerable to Loss of Data, Apps
Recently security researcher Ravi Borgaonkar discussed a vulnerability that caused a Samsung Galaxy SIII to return to...
‘FakeInstaller’ Leads the Attack on Android Phones
Android.FakeInstaller is a widespread mobile malware family. It has spoofed the Olympic Games Results App, Skype, Flash...
Technology Fuels Cyberbullying and Cheating in Teens
McAfee’s study “The Digital Divide: How the Online Behavior of Teens is Getting Past Parents” shows an alarming 70% of teens...
Mobile and Phishing – Why It’s More Dangerous
Phishing occurs when scammers send emails that appear to have been sent by legitimate, trusted organizations in...
Don’t Let Location-Based Services Put You in Danger
Location-based services utilize geo-location information to publish your whereabouts. In some cases, these services can also provide...
Almost 5% of Smartphones Lost Every Year
McAfee and Ponemon Institute recently released “The Lost Smartphone Problem,” a study that attempts to determine how...
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