Executive Perspectives

Get insights into the latest security threats and hear from McAfee executives on how our corporate values help McAfee combat those threats.

The Device-to-Cloud Cybersecurity Company – Our Essence in a Few Words
This blog was written by Allison Cerra, McAfee’s former CMO. Describe yourself in 3-5 words. Quite a...
Ready for a Love Affair with Your Job?
Do you still get butterflies when you think about your career? Take a look at these five questions to ask...
McAfee Relaunches Award-Winning Online Safety Program for Kids
With an updated curriculum and new cybersecurity career module, McAfee’s Online Safety Program for Kids is set...
World Economic Forum Sets High Bar on Public-Private Cybersecurity Partnerships
This week’s World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland featured the launch of the World Economic Forum...
Skyhigh Joins McAfee, the Device-to-Cloud Cybersecurity Company
This blog was written by Chris Young, McAfee’s former CEO. I’m pleased to announce McAfee has completed...
NoMoreRansom – One year on!
One year on.  It is fair to say that the No More Ransom project not only exceeded...
Why Human-Machine Teaming Will Lead to Better Security Outcomes
Artificial intelligence and machine learning have never been more prominent in the public forum. CBS’s 60 Minutes recently...
Is WannaCry Really Ransomware?
This post summarizes the significant efforts of a McAfee threat research team that has been relentless in...
WannaCry: The Old Worms and the New
The morning of Friday, May 12 multiple sources in Spain began reporting an outbreak of the ransomware...
An Analysis of the WannaCry Ransomware Outbreak
Charles McFarland was a coauthor of this blog. Over the course of Friday, May 12 we received...
McAfee Raises the Stakes Against Cyberespionage
This blog was written by Chris Young, McAfee’s former CEO. On November 17, 2016, Shamoon malware struck...
The State of Shamoon: Same Actor, Different Lines
Naming the recent data-wiping attacks in Saudi Arabia as a continuation of the Shamoon campaign suggests that...
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