Executive Perspectives

Get insights into the latest security threats and hear from McAfee executives on how our corporate values help McAfee combat those threats.

Rising to the Occasion as the New McAfee
This blog was written by Candace Worley, McAfee’s former Vice President and Chief Technical Strategist. As a...
A New McAfee, A New Posture: Staying Agile While Still Going Big
This post was written by John Giamatteo. Our culture has an edge to it. We’re not afraid...
Being Central to McAfee Success
This blog was written by McAfee’s previous CFO Mike Berry. For me, the best role in a...
Remaining True in the Face of Incredible Responsibility
By now you’ve heard the news: Intel Security has officially rebranded to McAfee. But even though our...
Day Two and Beyond
This blog was written by Brian Dye. It’s not often we get a chance to work on...
McAfee is Back – And Ready to Lead
This blog was written by Chris Young, McAfee’s former CEO. Today we introduce a ‘new’ McAfee to...
What’s In a Name?
This blog was written by Allison Cerra, McAfee’s former CMO. In one of the most iconic self-help...
The 5G reality
Mobile World Congress has come and gone. With over 100,000 attendees at the show, people gathered around...
Window on a Cloudy Sky
This blog was written by Brian Dye. There’s no question that cloud services are now a regular...
If we can’t trust technology we won’t (and shouldn’t) use it
Walking this year’s Mobile World Congress I am no longer thrown by the devices, gadgets and flashy...
Technology companies should ‘at least do no harm’
Mobile World Congress (MWC) provides yet another opportunity for technology giants to flex their muscles and whip...
The Answer to Big Cybersecurity Challenges: Think Small
This blog was written by Chris Young, McAfee’s former CEO. I just left the keynote stage at...
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