McAfee Labs

Read McAfee Labs blogs for the latest threat research, threat intelligence, and thought leadership from the Threat Research team.

McAfee ATR Thinks in Graphs
0. Introduction John Lambert, a distinguished researcher specializing in threat intelligence at Microsoft, once said these words...
Babuk Ransomware
Executive Summary Babuk ransomware is a new ransomware threat discovered in 2021 that has impacted at least...
Beyond Clubhouse: Vulnerable Agora SDKs Still in Widespread Use
On February 17th, 2021, McAfee disclosed findings based on a 10-month long disclosure process with major video...
Don’t Call Us We’ll Call You: McAfee ATR Finds Vulnerability in Agora Video SDK
The McAfee Advanced Threat Research (ATR) team is committed to uncovering security issues in both software and...
Researchers Follow the Breadcrumbs: The Latest Vulnerabilities in Windows’ Network Stack
The concept of a trail of breadcrumbs in the offensive security community is nothing new; for many...
McAfee ATR Launches Education-Inspired Capture the Flag Contest!
McAfee’s Advanced Threat Research team just completed its second annual capture the flag (CTF) contest for internal...
Two Pink Lines
Depending on your life experiences, the phrase (or country song by Eric Church) “two pink lines” may...
A Year in Review: Threat Landscape for 2020
As we gratefully move forward into the year 2021, we have to recognise that 2020 was as...
2021 Threat Predictions Report
The December 2020 revelations around the SUNBURST campaigns exploiting the SolarWinds Orion platform have revealed a new...
How A Device to Cloud Architecture Defends Against the SolarWinds Supply Chain Compromise
In a blog post released 13 Dec 2020, FireEye disclosed that threat actors compromised SolarWinds’s Orion IT...
Additional Analysis into the SUNBURST Backdoor
Executive Summary There has been considerable focus on the recent disclosures associated with SolarWinds, and while existing...
SUNBURST Malware and SolarWinds Supply Chain Compromise
Part I of II Situation In a blog post released 13 Dec 2020, FireEye disclosed that threat...
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