McAfee Labs

Read McAfee Labs blogs for the latest threat research, threat intelligence, and thought leadership from the Threat Research team.

Intelligence in the Enterprise
Intelligence became an integral military discipline centuries ago. More recently, this practice evolved into what is called Intelligence Preparation...
U.S. Battleground County Website Security Survey
Today McAfee released the results of a survey of county websites and county election administration websites in...
An Inside Look into Microsoft Rich Text Format and OLE Exploits
There has been a dramatic shift in the platforms targeted by attackers over the past few years....
CurveBall – An Unimaginative Pun but a Devastating Bug
Enterprise customers looking for information on defending against Curveball can find information here. 2020 came in with...
What CVE-2020-0601 Teaches Us About Microsoft’s TLS Certificate Verification Process
By: Jan Schnellbächer and Martin Stecher, McAfee Germany GmbH This week security researches around the world were...
Iran Cyber Threat Update
Recent political tensions in the Middle East region have led to significant speculation of increased cyber-related activities....
We Be Jammin’ – Bypassing Chamberlain myQ Garage Doors
The convenience that many IOT devices provide often persuades consumers away from thinking about possible security concerns....
The Cloning of The Ring – Who Can Unlock Your Door?
Steve Povolny contributed to this report. McAfee’s Advanced Threat Research team performs security analysis of products and...
The Tradeoff Between Convenience and Security – A Balance for Consumers & Manufacturers
This week McAfee Advanced Threat Research (ATR) published new findings, uncovering security flaws in two popular IoT...
Top Tips to Spot Tech Support Scams
There are number of ways scammers use to target your money or personal details.  These scams include...
Analysis of LooCipher, a New Ransomware Family Observed This Year
Co-authored by Marc RiveroLopez. Initial Discovery This year seems to again be the year for ransomware. Notorious...
McAfee Labs 2020 Threats Predictions Report
With 2019’s headlines of ransomware, malware, and RDP attacks almost behind us, we shift our focus to...
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