McAfee Labs

Read McAfee Labs blogs for the latest threat research, threat intelligence, and thought leadership from the Threat Research team.

What Drives a Ransomware Criminal? CoinVault Developers Convicted
How often do we get a chance to learn what goes on in the minds of cybercriminals?...
Google Play Users Risk a Yellow Card With Android/FoulGoal.A
This blog post was co-written by Irfan Asrar. English soccer fans have enthusiastically enjoyed the team’s current...
Organizations Leave Backdoors Open to Cheap Remote Desktop Protocol Attacks
Thanks to my colleague Christiaan Beek for his advice and contributions. While researching underground hacker marketplaces, the...
Cybercrime in the Spotlight: How Crooks Capitalize on Cultural Events
Every four years, everyone’s head around the globe turns toward the television. The Olympics, the World Cup –...
AsiaHitGroup Returns With New Billing-Fraud Campaign
Are you tired yet of the music track “Despacito”? If you downloaded this ringtone app from Google...
AsiaHitGroup Gang Again Sneaks Billing-Fraud Apps Onto Google Play
The McAfee Mobile Research team has found a new billing-fraud campaign of at least 15 apps published...
McAfee Labs Threats Report Features Innovative Attacks, Crypto Mining, Multisector Attacks
In the McAfee Labs Threats Report June 2018, published today, we share investigative research and threat statistics...
Apply MITRE’s ‘ATT&CK’ Model to Check Your Defenses
Every week we read about adversaries attacking their targets as part of online criminal campaigns. Information gathering,...
Unintended Clipboard Paste Function in Windows 10 Leads to Information Leak in RS1
The McAfee Labs Advanced Threat Research team has been investigating the Windows 10 platform. We have submitted...
Threat Report: Don’t Join Blockchain Revolution Without Ensuring Security
On May 19 researchers discovered a series of vulnerabilities in the blockchain-based EOS platform that can lead...
Want to Break Into a Locked Windows 10 Device? Ask Cortana (CVE-2018-8140)
June’s “Patch Tuesday” (June 12) is here, but it is likely many Windows 10 users have not yet applied these...
VPNFilter Malware Adds Capabilities to Exploit Endpoints
VPNFilter, a botnet-controlled malware that infects networking devices, was first documented by researchers from Cisco Talos. McAfee...
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