McAfee Labs

Read McAfee Labs blogs for the latest threat research, threat intelligence, and thought leadership from the Threat Research team.

VPNFilter Botnet Targets Networking Devices
VPNFilter is a botnet with capabilities to support both intelligence collection and destructive cyberattack operations. The Cisco...
It’s a Zoo Out There! Data Analysis of Alleged ZooPark Dump
In early May, researchers disclosed a Mobile malware campaign by a group focused on Middle Eastern targets....
Malware on Google Play Targets North Korean Defectors
Our recent discovery of the campaign we have named RedDawn on Google Play just a few weeks after the release...
Syn/Ack Unique Proactive Protection Technique
McAfee’s Advanced Threat Research team has performed analysis on samples of Syn/Ack ransomware implementing Process Doppelgänging.  For...
McAfee Protects Against Doppelgänging Technique
This blog was co-written with Brook Schoenfield. That adversaries adopt new techniques is a known fact. However,...
Global Malware Campaign Pilfers Data from Multiple Industries
McAfee Advanced Threat Research analysts have uncovered a global data reconnaissance campaign assaulting a wide number of...
Analyzing Operation GhostSecret: Attack Seeks to Steal Data Worldwide
McAfee Advanced Threat Research analysts have uncovered a global data reconnaissance campaign assaulting a wide number of industries.
Despite Decline in Use of Adobe Flash, Vulnerabilities Will Continue to Cause Concern
This post was researched and written by Brook Schoenfield with the assistance of Tim Hux, Abhishek Karnik,...
Cloud Clustering Vulnerable to Attacks
The authors thank John Fokker and Marcelo CaroVargas for their contributions and insights. In our upcoming talk...
Parasitic Coin Mining Creates Wealth, Destroys Systems
The increasing popularity of cryptocurrencies has inspired some people to pursue coin mining, essentially making money online....
Today’s Connected Cars Vulnerable to Hacking, Malware
The McAfee Advanced Threat Research team recently published an article about threats to automobiles on the French...
Ransomware Takes Open-Source Path, Encrypts With GNU Privacy Guard
McAfee Labs has recently observed a new variant of ransomware that relies on the open-source program GNU...
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