McAfee Labs

Read McAfee Labs blogs for the latest threat research, threat intelligence, and thought leadership from the Threat Research team.

Tips for Effective Threat Hunting
McAfee surveyed more than 700 IT and security professionals to better understand how threat hunting is used in organizations.
Taiwan Bank Heist and the Role of Pseudo Ransomware
Widespread reports claim the Far Eastern International Bank in Taiwan has become a victim of hacking. The...
Staying Anonymous on the Blockchain: Concerns and Techniques
Because a blockchain ledger is public, maintaining anonymity is hard, especially in the case of Bitcoin.
Linux Kernel Vulnerability Can Lead to Privilege Escalation: Analyzing CVE-2017-1000112
A memory corruption bug in UDP fragmentation offload (UFO) code inside the Linux kernel can lead to local privilege escalation.
McAfee Labs: Faceliker Surge Manipulates Facebook “Likes” to Promote News, Other Content
The McAfee Labs Threats Report, released today, identifies a notable surge in similar activity by the Faceliker malware.
Apache Struts at REST: Analyzing Remote Code Execution Vulnerability CVE-2017-9805
Apache Struts, an open-source web development framework, is prone to vulnerabilities. The latest is CVE-2017-9805.
Microsoft Kills Potential Remote Code Execution Vulnerability in Office (CVE-2017-8630)
Recently the McAfee IPS Research Team informed Microsoft about a potential remote code execution vulnerability in Office 2016.
Android Click-Fraud App Repurposed as DDoS Botnet
The McAfee Mobile Research Team tracks the behavior of Android click-fraud apps. We have detected multiple implementations.
Emotet Trojan Acts as Loader, Spreads Automatically
Since the middle of July, McAfee has observed new updates of the Emotet, a Trojan that was first discovered in...
Android Banking Trojan MoqHao Spreading via SMS Phishing in South Korea
Last month, a number of users started posting on South Korean sites screenshots of suspicious SMS messages...
Android Click-Fraud Apps Briefly Return to Google Play
Click-fraud apps frequently appear on Google Play and third-party markets. They are sometimes hard to identify because...
Smishing Campaign Steals Banking Credentials in U.S.
The McAfee Mobile Research team recently found an active smishing campaign, using SMS messages, that targets online...
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