McAfee Labs

Read McAfee Labs blogs for the latest threat research, threat intelligence, and thought leadership from the Threat Research team.

Sharing Cybersecurity Threat Intelligence Is the Only Way We Win
Cybersecurity is a team sport. The bad guys share information, expertise, and code as they help one...
Macro Malware Employs Advanced Sandbox-Evasion Techniques
During the past couple of weeks, McAfee Labs has observed a new variant of macro malware. With...
How Can We Stop ‘ROP’ Cyberattacks?
IBM recently announced a software-oriented solution to help eradicate attacks by return-oriented programming (ROP) malware. ROP malware...
McAfee Labs Offers Primer on Security Data Science and Machine Learning
Analytics, big data, automation, and machine learning are all terms we use when talking about the future...
‘McAfee Labs Threats Report’ Delves Into Dangers of Data Loss
This blog post was written by Rick Simon. Data is leaking out of your organization: accidentally or...
McAfee Labs Examines Whether Ransomware Is Coming to a Hospital Near You
Delivering uninterrupted services with immediate access to information is not an easy task. Doing it with legacy...
Hardware Hack Bypasses iPhone PIN Security Counter
A security researcher from the University of Cambridge has found a way to hack the iPhone NAND...
Unregulated at Any Speed: DoT’s Cybersecurity Policy for Self-Driving Cars
Despite headlines, hype, and hysteria, US government rightly chooses cybersecurity guidance over regulation. The Obama administration today...
Cryptocurrencies a Target for Cybercriminals, Part 2: Social Platforms Come Next
One target of cybercriminals is cryptocurrencies, which hold tremendous wealth but are largely anonymous. This limits the...
Locky Ransomware Hides Inside Packed .DLL
McAfee Labs has seen a huge increase in Locky ransomware in recent months (discussed in an earlier...
Cryptocurrencies a Target for Cybercriminals, Part 1: the Risks of Innovation
All cryptocurrencies are a target for cybercriminals. Anywhere there is value, criminals, fraudsters, and charlatans will soon...
Malware Hides in Installer to Avoid Detection
At McAfee Labs we recently observed various threat families using the Nullsoft Scriptable Install System (NSIS). This...
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