McAfee Labs

Read McAfee Labs blogs for the latest threat research, threat intelligence, and thought leadership from the Threat Research team.

Seeing Through Darkleech Obfuscation: a Quick Hack to Iframes
This blog post was written by Kalpesh Mantri. Darkleech is an Apache module on the dark web...
Android Banking Trojan ‘SpyLocker’ Targets More Banks in Europe
Since the discovery of the Android banking Trojan SpyLocker, McAfee has closely monitored this threat. SpyLocker first...
Which Cybersecurity Data Should You Trust?
Limitations of security data We are constantly battered by cybersecurity data, reports, and marketing collateral—and we shouldn’t treat...
Malware Mystery: JS/Nemucod Downloads Legitimate Installer
During our analysis, we noticed that a legitimate Notepad++ installer was downloaded by a few JS/Nemucod samples. We investigated to...
Attacks on SWIFT Banking System Benefit From Insider Knowledge
In recent months, we’ve seen headlines about the compromise of a bank in Bangladesh from which cybercriminals...
5 Steps to Enhance Security of Cloud Applications
This blog post was written by Dileep Dasari. When you move applications to the cloud, the attack surface...
Can Zealous Security Cause Harm?
Good security requires balancing risks, costs, and usability. Too much or too little of each can be...
Sex Sells: Looking at Android Adult Adware Apps
Advertising is one of the primary methods to generate money from mobile devices. Ads can be displayed...
Key Lessons From Verizon’s ‘2016 Data Breach Investigations Report’
The annual Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR) is out and reinforces the value of well-established cybersecurity practices....
Server-Side Request Forgery Takes Advantage of Vulnerable App Servers
This blog was written by Kunal Garg. Server-side request forgery is an attack in which an attacker...
Current Campaign Delivers Hundreds of Thousands of Polymorphic Ransomware
You might have been getting out of bed when attackers started sending hundreds of thousands of fake...
Android Malware Clicker.G!Gen Found on Google Play
Recently the Mobile Malware Research Team of McAfee found on Google Play a new campaign of Android/Clicker.G...
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