McAfee Labs

Read McAfee Labs blogs for the latest threat research, threat intelligence, and thought leadership from the Threat Research team.

Malware Behaves Oddly in Automated Analysis Environment
While testing malware recently, we got some logs from our automated analysis system showing a few samples...
Digging Into the Sandbox-Escape Technique of the Recent PDF Exploit
As promised in our previous blog entry for the recent Adobe Reader PDF zero-day attack, we now...
Analyzing the First ROP-Only, Sandbox-Escaping PDF Exploit
The winter of 2013 seems to be “zero-day” season. Right after my colleague Haifei Li analyzed the...
Fake Cleaning Apps in Google Play: an AutoRun Attack and More
Almost exactly one year ago, Google announced the addition of a “new layer to Android security,” a...
Evasion Techniques: Encoded JavaScript Attacks PDF Files
Last week I kicked off a series of blogs with a discussion of how an effective IPS...
Labs Paper Looks ‘Inside the World of the Citadel Trojan’
Zeus “banking” malware and its variants have been making headlines in recent months. One variant, the Citadel...
IPS Countermeasures Fight Obfuscation, Evasion
Before the advent of intrusion detection systems (IDS) and intrusion prevention systems (IPS), firewalls served as the...
Botnet Control Servers Span the Globe
McAfee Labs has long monitored botnet activities and their control servers as they plague the Internet.  With millions...
The Future of Hacktivism and Anonymous
After the publication of the 2013 Threats Predictions from McAfee Labs, I have received many queries regarding...
Java Zero-Day Vulnerability Pushes Out Crimeware
This blog was updated on January 14. See the end of the file. A new Java zero-day...
Red Kit an Emerging Exploit Pack
Exploit kits are toolkits that are used to build malware components such as binaries and scripts. They...
If You Deploy Only Antivirus, It Will Cost You More and Make You Less Secure
Everyone’s looking to shave their IT budgets, manage fewer vendors and streamline. The plethora of low cost...
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