Privacy & Identity Protection

Identity theft has evolved far beyond just credit card fraud and unfortunately is a rapidly growing crime. McAfee Identity Protection blogs cover preventative measures related to scams, phishing, and ransomware. Read the latest blogs for tips to protect your identity and privacy.

What To Do If Your Data Is Stolen
If you’re like most people, you share your personal information with a number of companies and service...
Infected Minecraft Apps Could Potentially Turn Over 2M Android Devices Into a Botnet Army
We all love a good game, especially those that allow us to create and innovate with the...
No Password, No Problem: How This PledgeMusic Bug Let Anyone Log in Without a Password
Some music sites allow fans to stream any song they want for a monthly fee, others create...
The Future of Cyber Safety: Could Artificial Intelligence Be The Silver Bullet?
A glimpse into the future of digital parenting and teaching cyber safety to kids in the to stay safe...
Artificial Intelligence: Friend Or Foe?
In the future what will be required of us to remain safe online? Could it be offloaded to digital assistants...
What Is Script-Based Malware? How to Stay Protected from This Cyberthreat
When you hear the word “script,” you probably think of either a movie script, or JavaScript. Though...
Why Software Updates Are So Important
You’re hard at work on your computer or device and a message suddenly pops up saying, “a...
Cyber Insurance – The Need of the Hour
Years ago, when we were complete newbies to computers, data loss was a frequent occurrence. Files were...
11 Easy Ways to Start Reclaiming Your Family’s Vanishing Privacy
Every day search engines collect our data, companies sell our information, prying algorithms stalk our clicks and...
What You Need to Know About the Equifax Data Breach
Equifax, one of the three major credit bureaus in the country, said on Thursday it suffered a major breach in...
Four of the coolest jobs in cybersecurity
This blog post was written by Nick Viney. With the rapid growth of the Internet of Things...
OurMine Claims to Have Breached Sony’s PlayStation Network and Stolen Information
Most security companies advertise their services online, hoping to attract customers with an honest promise of their...
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