Threat Report: Don’t Join Blockchain Revolution Without Ensuring Security
On May 19 researchers discovered a series of vulnerabilities in the blockchain-based EOS platform that can lead to remote control...
Want to Break Into a Locked Windows 10 Device? Ask Cortana (CVE-2018-8140)
June’s “Patch Tuesday” (June 12) is here, but it is likely many Windows 10 users have not yet applied these updates.
Syn/Ack Unique Proactive Protection Technique
McAfee’s Advanced Threat Research team has performed analysis on samples of Syn/Ack ransomware implementing Process Doppelgänging. For those who are...
McAfee Protects Against Doppelgänging Technique
This blog was co-written with Brook Schoenfield. That adversaries adopt new techniques is a known fact. However, the speed they...
Global Malware Campaign Pilfers Data from Multiple Industries
McAfee Advanced Threat Research analysts have uncovered a global data reconnaissance campaign assaulting a wide number of industries including critical...
Analyzing Operation GhostSecret: Attack Seeks to Steal Data Worldwide
McAfee Advanced Threat Research analysts have uncovered a global data reconnaissance campaign assaulting a wide number of industries including critical...
Despite Decline in Use of Adobe Flash, Vulnerabilities Will Continue to Cause Concern
This post was researched and written by Brook Schoenfield with the assistance of Tim Hux, Abhishek Karnik, Asheer Malhotra, and...
Today’s Connected Cars Vulnerable to Hacking, Malware
The McAfee Advanced Threat Research team recently published an article about threats to automobiles on the French site Connected cars are growing rapidly in number and represent the next big step in personal transportation.
McAfee Labs Threats Report Examines Cryptocurrency Hijacking, Ransomware, Fileless Malware
Today McAfee published the McAfee Labs Threats Report: March 2018. The report looks into the growth and trends of new malware, ransomware, and other threats in Q4 2017. McAfee Labs saw on average eight new threat samples per second, and the increasing use of fileless malware attacks leveraging Microsoft PowerShell. ...
McAfee Researchers Find Poor Security Exposes Medical Data to Cybercriminals
Those who have successfully gained access to medical data have been well rewarded for their efforts. One seller stated in an interview that “someone wanted to buy all the … records specifically,” claiming that the effort had netted US$100,000.