Internet Security Security News Privacy & Identity Protection

Medical IoT Manufacturers Given Guidelines on Lifelong Devices Security, Courtesy of FDA

2016 appears to have one more gift for us before calling it a year, and this time it involves both...

Executive Perspectives

Pinching ideas on Climate Change and Cyber Security

“We’re here to pinch your best ideas.” Those words began Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan’s remarks to a small group...

McAfee Labs

Setting Up HTTPS for Google App Engine Applications

Thursday, we posted advice on creating a custom domain name for an application developed with Google’s App Engine. In this...

McAfee Labs

Creating a Custom Domain Name with a Google App Engine Application

Google’s App Engine is a Platform as a Service (PaaS) for developers that provides features and frameworks to quickly and...

Security News Family Safety

Study: Want an Epic Family Vacation this Year? Unplug!

Everyone talks about it but, c’mon, who really completely unplugs from tech completely on vacation? According to a recent study...

McAfee Labs

5 Steps to Enhance Security of Cloud Applications

This blog post was written by Dileep Dasari. When you move applications to the cloud, the attack surface changes while the vulnerabilities...

Internet Security

Cloud Adoption Is in the Forecast

This blog was written by Richard Steranka. McAfee recently released new research on the quickening pace of enterprise cloud adoption....

Mobile Security Family Safety

You Might Not Be a Celebrity, But You Could Still Get Hacked

In 2016, there’s a ‘who’s who’ of A-list celebrities. No, it’s not who was invited to the Academy Awards or...

Executive Perspectives

Root of Trust vs. Root of Evil: Part 1

Regulatory compliance is an unloved cost of goods—an expense to be managed, like cafeteria subsidies or fleet fuel costs. Major...

McAfee Labs

2014 Threats Predictions: Software Defined Networking And More

This post is one in a series of articles that expand on the recently released McAfee Labs 2014 Threats Predictions....

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