GandCrab Ransomware Puts the Pinch on Victims
Update: On August 9 we added our analysis of Versions 4.2.1 and 4.3. The GandCrab ransomware first appeared in January...
CactusTorch Fileless Threat Abuses .NET to Infect Victims
McAfee Labs has noticed a significant shift by some actors toward using trusted Windows executables, rather than external malware, to...
Organizations Leave Backdoors Open to Cheap Remote Desktop Protocol Attacks
While researching underground hacker marketplaces, the McAfee Advanced Threat Research team has discovered that access linked to security and building automation systems of a major international airport could be bought for only US$10.
Cybercrime in the Spotlight: How Crooks Capitalize on Cultural Events
Every four years, everyone’s head around the globe turns toward the television. The Olympics, the World Cup – world events like...
Unintended Clipboard Paste Function in Windows 10 Leads to Information Leak in RS1
The McAfee Labs Advanced Threat Research team has been investigating the Windows 10 platform. We have submitted several vulnerabilities already...
Want to Break Into a Locked Windows 10 Device? Ask Cortana (CVE-2018-8140)
June’s “Patch Tuesday” (June 12) is here, but it is likely many Windows 10 users have not yet applied these updates.
Parasitic Coin Mining Creates Wealth, Destroys Systems
The increasing popularity of cryptocurrencies has inspired some people to pursue coin mining, essentially making money online. (Mining is the...
Today’s Connected Cars Vulnerable to Hacking, Malware
The McAfee Advanced Threat Research team recently published an article about threats to automobiles on the French site Connected cars are growing rapidly in number and represent the next big step in personal transportation.
Ransomware Takes Open-Source Path, Encrypts With GNU Privacy Guard
McAfee Labs has recently observed a new variant of ransomware that relies on the open-source program GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG)...
How Hackers Bypassed an Adobe Flash Protection Mechanism
The number of Flash Player exploits has recently declined, due to Adobe’s introduction of various measures to strengthen Flash’s security....