McAfee Labs

Threat Actors Employ COM Technology in Shellcode to Evade Detection

COM (Component Object Model) is a technology in Microsoft Windows that enables software components to communicate with each other; it...

McAfee Labs

Locky Ransomware Hides Under Multiple Obfuscated Layers of JavaScript

This post was prepared with the invaluable assistance of Rahamathulla Hussain and Girish Kulkarni. During the last couple of weeks,...

McAfee Labs

Malware Mystery: JS/Nemucod Downloads Legitimate Installer

JS/Nemucod is the detection name given to a family of malicious JavaScript downloaders that have appeared in spam campaigns since last year....

McAfee Labs

Current Campaign Delivers Hundreds of Thousands of Polymorphic Ransomware

You might have been getting out of bed when attackers started sending hundreds of thousands of fake invoices the morning...

McAfee Labs

CVE-2016-0018: DLL Planting Leads to a Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

DLL planting, also known as DLL side loading, is a popular attack technique today. If we take a look at...

McAfee Labs

Malware Takes Advantage of Windows ‘God Mode’

Microsoft Windows has hidden an Easter Egg since Windows Vista. It allows users to create a specially named folder that...

McAfee Labs

Macro Malware Employs Advanced Obfuscation to Avoid Detection

Attacks by macro malware carrying ransomware are growing, as we have recently reported on Blog Central here and here. Now McAfee Labs...

McAfee Labs

Unsubscribing From Unwanted Email Carries Risks

  We all receive loads of unwanted email solicitations, warnings, and advertisements. The number can be overwhelming to the point...

McAfee Labs

CVE-2016-0153: Microsoft Patches Possible OLE Typo

Recently McAfee Labs discovered an interesting bug in Windows’ OLE implementation, which Microsoft patched this week. Now that the patch...

Internet Security McAfee News

Quarterly Threat Report: What Do the Numbers Mean to Me?

This blog post was written by Bruce Snell. Every quarter, the team at McAfee Labs releases a threats report detailing...

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