McAfee Labs

Careto Worldwide Malware Attack Unmasked

On Monday Kaspersky Labs announced the discovery of a large number of malware infections across large parts of the globe. Kaspersky...

McAfee Labs

Analyzing the Target Point-of-Sale Malware

January 21, 2014:  As more information comes to light, surrounding these events, we continue to identify and analyze additional components...

McAfee Labs

2014 Threats Predictions: Network and Host Attacks Will Again Target Apps, Java

This post is one in a series of articles that expand on the recently released McAfee Labs 2014 Threats Predictions....

McAfee Labs

2014 Threats Predictions: Software Defined Networking And More

This post is one in a series of articles that expand on the recently released McAfee Labs 2014 Threats Predictions....

McAfee Labs

Quarian Group Targets Victims With Spearphishing Attacks

This blog post was written by Rahul Mohandas. The current generation of targeted attacks are getting more sophisticated and evasive....

Family Safety

Q&A: What is ‘Path’ and Is It Safe for My Child?

Q: I overheard my son telling his friend to message him on Path. What is Path and should I be...

McAfee Labs

Bank Account Logins for Sale, Courtesy of Citadel Botnet

Financial theft is one of the most lucrative forms of cybercrime. Malware authors continue to deliver sophisticated tools and techniques...

Internet Security

Visualizing A DDoS Cyber Attack

A denial-of-service (DDoS) attack occurs when hackers flood a target website with large amounts of traffic. This traffic is often generated...

McAfee Labs

Phishing Threat Uses UTF-8 BOM in ZIP Signature to Evade Detection

This blog was written by Sanchit Karve. Last week, we noticed thousands of malware files in the wild that employ...

McAfee Labs

IPS Countermeasures Fight Obfuscation, Evasion

Before the advent of intrusion detection systems (IDS) and intrusion prevention systems (IPS), firewalls served as the primary technology to...

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