Featured Blogs
To Preserve Bandwidth, Gogo Inflight Executes a Man-in-the-Middle Attack
Early last week, Gogo Inflight, a provider of in-flight Internet access for airlines, caught a lot of headlines for a...
Introducing the McAfee Partner Program
What better way to kickoff the start of 2015 than with our new McAfee Partner Program. This new program was...
What a Breach can Teach: It Starts with a Strategy
This blog was written by Brett Kelsey. This is part II in a series on proactive defense using a proven...
How Hackers Use Popular Shows to Infect Your Devices
If there’s one reasonable measurement of how popular a television series has become, it’s how often it’s illegally downloaded online....
7 Tips to Boost Your Family Goal Setting for 2015
To catch a vision for your family in the year ahead first requires a brief look back. What worked in...
2014: Security Year in Review
From the Heartbleed bug to large-scale (and highly publicized) data breaches, Shellshock to mobile threats—2014 did not leave us wanting...
5 Priceless Gifts You Already Give Your Kids Every Day
If you are like me, the holidays usher in an assortment of feelings—some warm and fuzzy and some not...
Slow File Infector Spies on Victims
Sourabh Kadam contributed to this blog. In the middle of 2012 McAfee Labs observed the complex malware XDocCrypt infecting documents,...
What is Ransomware?
Imagine that you want to pull up a certain file on your computer. You click on the file and suddenly...
McAfee Adds Flash Exploit Detection to NSP 8.2
Adobe Flash vulnerabilities and exploits have worried users and security professionals for many years. The situation today remains serious. A...