The iOS platform isn’t usually vulnerable to viruses, but there are some security threats that can cause chaos on your system. iOS devices are usually more secure and are less frequently targeted by hackers. That’s because apps for iPhone and iPad can only be downloaded via the App Store, not third party providers. Apple has greater control over the content you have access to, which helps to prevent fake apps or harmful software products from making their way onto your device in the first place.
By design, apps for iOS devices cannot access data from other apps. Rather, they exist in their own little boxes and can’t reach into other boxes. Android performs a similar process to its apps, but their approach is less stringent than Apple’s. As another security measure, iOS’s update schedule allows it to impact all devices simultaneously to protect against vulnerabilities.
In other words, it’s very rare that you could get a virus on an iPhone from a third party app, but it does happen. Apple takes extreme safety precautions, but malware can infect your device if it has been jailbroken (this allows users to download apps from sources other than the App Store), which makes it just as vulnerable to security threats as an Android device.
Even without jailbreaking, you may still be vulnerable to threats. That’s why it’s important to use a security app like McAfee Mobile Security that’s made for your iOS device.