McAfee Public Policy
Cybersecurity that centers and protects people.
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Cybersecurity that centers and protects people.
McAfee is one of the world’s leading independent cybersecurity companies. McAfee creates consumer security solutions that make the world a safer place. We secure consumers’ digital lifestyle by providing protection across all their devices. Through industry collaboration, we help protect consumers from bad actors, cybercriminals, and other disruptors for the benefit of all.
McAfee is committed to engaging with policymakers and other stakeholders to enable a world where cybersecurity is consistent, reliable, and effective so that it becomes a trusted foundation in our lives—like clean air and water.
Diversity and Inclusion
McAfee believes that diverse teams offer wider points of view that foster real innovation and creativity.
McAfee believes that trust in the integrity of systems is essential to enabling people to get the most out of their technologies.
Cybersecurity Skills Shortage
Informed digital citizens are better placed to navigate the evolving digital security landscape. McAfee believes that encouraging and driving digital literacy is key to making the average consumer more secure online.
Accessible Cybersecurity Solutions
McAfee believes in improving the access to cybersecurity solutions in the most restrictive of environments.
McAfee believes cybersecurity companies have a responsibility to share cyberthreat information with the wider community to improve awareness of current vulnerabilities and threats.
Public-private Partnerships
McAfee believes that a collaborative approach with industry peers and civil society is the best way to defeat cyberthreats and protect our livelihood, networks, data, and infrastructure.
El objetivo de la coalición es estimular la creación de un ecosistema de ciberseguridad dinámico y robusto, respaldar el desarrollo y la adopción de innovaciones en este ámbito y animar a organizaciones de todos los tamaños a tomar medidas para mejorar su ciberseguridad.
La Cyber Threat Alliance (CTA) está constituida por un grupo de profesionales de la ciberseguridad procedentes de organizaciones que trabajan juntas para compartir información sobre amenazas y ayudar a mejorar las defensas frente a los ciberadversarios en todas las organizaciones miembros y sus clientes.
El Information Technology Sector Coordinating Council (IT SCC) agrupa a empresas, asociaciones y otros tecnólogos clave para que colaboren con el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional, organismos públicos y otros partners del sector. Con esta colaboración, el IT SCC trabaja para facilitar una infraestructura de información global segura y resiliente.
Nos enorgullece trabajar con partners de la sociedad civil para dotar de recursos a los defensores de los derechos digitales con acceso gratuito a la VPN de TunnelBear. Las herramientas de seguridad digital, como la VPN, permiten a los activistas continuar su trabajo fundamental para la comunidad de la libertad en Internet y ocuparse de su vida cotidiana con una mayor tranquilidad.
El Centre for Democracy and Technology (CDT) trabaja para dar forma a una directiva de tecnología y arquitectura a través de una lente democrática y humana. Nos enorgullece colaborar con el CDT en proyectos de defensa relacionados con los derechos digitales, el cifrado de alta seguridad y la privacidad de datos del usuario.
RightsCon - Navigating Internet Shutdowns with VPN
In collaboration with the Open Technology Fund, we explain how to use VPN to get around cybercensorship.
TunnelBear stands against website blocking in Canada
Submission to the Innovation, Science, Economic Development Canada ministry on the importance of net neutrality.
Why You Should Care About Bill C-11
Collaborative article with OpenMedia on the importance of strengthening privacy best practices in Canada.
Future of Speech Online Panel - Steve Grobman
McAfee CTO Steve Grobman speaks on the impact of encryption technology on social movements.
Joint Letter in Support of Internet Freedom
Calling on governments and companies to support the internet freedom movement through a diverse funding model.